Thursday, October 30, 2008


So the Army likes to move us around. Typically if you're single or in the US, you won't be at the same place for more than 2-3 years. When it's time to move you get papers called "orders" which Order you to do a Permanent Change of Station (PCS.) These orders instruct you whether you can take all of your stuff (or not,) family, car, etc...

For example, PCSing to Kuwait or Korea it's a year tour and you can't take car or family. (In most cases.) If you PCS to Germany the Army will ship one car and your family has to get passports.

A couple weeks back we were doing early morning rollcall and 3-4 Soldiers were missing. We sent someone to go look for them- they were all in the same room and were still sleeping. So they got rustled out of bed and when they got downstairs i just had to ask the dumb question

SSG D: So what's going on? Why are you late?
PVT: Our alarm clock PCS'd.

I knew what he meant- their roommated had left, taking his clock with him.
Still, I was smiling inside the rest of the day at that one.. Unless I thought about how no one had the sense to get another clock or use a cellphone or watch or SOMETHING- then I just had to shake my head..

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